Blog Environmental Litigation Philadelphia | Honik Law
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Intuniv is a popular brand-name drug to treat ADHD, particularly for pediatric patients. Rather than face generic competition, the brand manufacturer of Intuniv entered into a so-called “pay for delay” agreement with the lead generic manufacturer to delay a generic version of Intuniv. This resulted in consumers paying higher branded-drug prices for a longer period of time than they should have. Ruben Honik is co-lead counsel leading the plaintiff group representing consumers in multiple states seeking to hold the manufacturers accountable under the antitrust and other laws for engaging in this “pay for delay” scheme....

In the rapidly evolving healthcare industry, physicians and physician practices increasingly find themselves at the mercy of the immense market power wielded by health In the rapidly evolving healthcare industry, physicians and physician practices increasingly find themselves at the mercy of the immense market power wielded by health insurers. When Highmark Health, one of the largest health insurers in Pennsylvania, unilaterally imposed an across-the-board reimbursement rate cut, Honik LLC worked with physicians in Western Pennsylvania to fight back. David Stanoch served as lead counsel for the plaintiff class. Ultimately, Honik LLC lawyers recently secured a recovery for physicians and physician practices in Western Pennsylvania reflecting the amount of the reimbursement rate cut, as well as resulting in more flexibility for physicians and physician practices when they select which healthcare insurance products they will accept....

When federal inmates are released, the U.S. Bureau of Prisons issues them debit cards with any funds they turned over while entering or earned during incarceration. Those debit cards, however, came with numerous fees that were a regular consumer would never pay, including fees simply to check one’s balance or to withdraw money. Honik LLC lawyers, on behalf of a class of federal releasees, successfully obtained 100% recovery of all debit card fees unfairly imposed. Later, Honik LLC lawyers obtained 100% recovery for similarly oppressive debit card fees on behalf of Arizona state releasees....